Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day ONE of 365

WELCOME! So I was blog surfing the other day and came across someone's 365 photo a day blog. I'm a photographer, so I found it interesting...but it got me to thinking. I'm also a mother. Actually, I'm a mother let's do a little prioritizing. A friend of mine just had a beautiful baby girl, and of course, like every parent whose child is entering school...what pops out of my mouth but "Cherish her, they grow up so fast." --- Truer words could not have been said. Laurel turns 5 in February, starts PreK1 next week, uses 3 and 4 syllable words and occasionally reminds me "it's otay Mommy, I'm a big girl. I'll be otay." So, I was sitting here a minute ago, contemplating writing a post for my personal Blog, when it occurred to me to do a 365 days of Laurel. I hope I am disciplined and motivated enough to do this. I want to take a picture a day of Laurel...doing whatever. And jot down what I'm thinking. If I'm smart, I'll back it up or something... but I can give it to her later. I want her to see that while yes, parenting isn't easy [especially for a single mom] it's always rewarding.
So I bring you now...Exhibit A.... or rather DAY ONE!
As I am looking over, she has fallen asleep on the couch. Clutched in her arms is one of her favorite stuffed toys, a puppy... aptly named "PUPPY" (as are the other animals in her menagerie. i.e. Mr. Floppy, Quacky Duck, Kitty Cat, etc.) I look at this mangled and dirt-stained little once-white-borderline-abalone shell fluffy dog, who is presently getting the life choked out of him in Laurel's tired little hands! I realize she starts school next week, dressed in uniform and learning so much. I know there will come a time when she no longer needs a beat up puppy to fall asleep at night. Today she informed me that Katy Perry is on the radio and that I was silly not to have known that Hannah and Miley were one and the same! Life flies by so fast...there will come a time when puppy dogs no longer have the ability to heal hurts and snuggle you to sleep...

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